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Skeleton chest

Recovery Type

It's time to open this chest! Try your luck!

Tradable Droppable Deletable Stackable x99

After using can give this item(s)
456 Strengthening Crystal
563 Pass to Summer x2
578 Fruit of Growth x5
851 Battle Array x2
885 Refining gem
1075 Happy Holidays Magazine (not shared)
2312 Auto Ration x5
2941 1st Rebirth Card
3038 Bank
3046 Power Sail x2
3050 Pass to Sacred Snow Mountain x4
3076 Pass to Spring Town x2
3106 Battleship Armor x2
3114 Sea Weed Killer x2
3339 Acceleration Potion x2
3342 Lantern (untradeable) x2
3882 Super Lucky Fruit
3910 Super Candy Stick x5
5644 Fairy Great Food x3
7879 Black angel Wings