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Christmas Sock

Recovery Type

The item will only be available from 23:00 on Dec 24th to 6:00 on Dec 25th

Tradable Droppable Deletable Stackable x99

After using can give this item(s)
860 Gem of the wind
861 Gem of striking
862 Gem of colossus
863 Gem of rage
878 Fiery Gem
879 Furious Gem
880 Explosive Gem
881 Lustrious Gem
882 Glowing Gem
883 Shining Gem
884 Shadow Gem
885 Refining gem
887 Spirit gem
899 Book of Strength Reset
900 Book of Consitution Reset
901 Book of Agility Reset
902 Book of Accuracy Reset
903 Book of Spirit Reset
1012 Gem of soul